Female doctor sitting with male patient at the desk

Breaking the Silence: The Surprising Reason Why So Many Men Avoid Doctor’s Visits – And What We Can Do About It

When was the last time you visited the doctor for an annual checkup? If you’re like most men, it’s been a while, if ever. A New York Times article, “Why Do So Many Men Avoid Doctor’s Visits?” highlights a significant issue in men’s healthcare. According to research, men are more likely than women to skip out on routine medical checkups, leading to …

Cartoon image of a low battery notification on a blue background

Avoid These 5 Daily Thought Habits to Become Happier and More Productive

Do you find the daily hamster wheel of life exhausting? Would you like to jump off of it? I​t’s possible to free yourself but not until your mind allows it. Y​our mental habits drain your battery. Most of us live in a constant state of needing a recharge. H​armful habits sap your energy and deplete your physical, mental, and emotional …

Peeling back a layer to reveal younger skin

How Nitric Oxide Helps Put the Brakes on the Aging Process

Do you feel like you’re getting older at an increasingly rapid pace? While it’s impossible to halt the aging process, there are things we can do to slow it down. What’s the most critical factor in your health and well-being? The typical issues that come to mind are heart health, body weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and mental fitness. It’s …

Red summer sky

Sleepless in the Summer – How Extended Daylight Affects Our Health

Unless you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll get less sleep for the next several months. The amount of light and darkness affects the timing and regulation of our sleep patterns. With increased daylight hours, our brains delay the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Most of us stay up later but still wake up at the same time each …

Close up of fresh fruit

The Many Benefits of Buying Produce, Meat and Dairy from a Farmer’s Market

Spring is upon us. It may not feel like it in some parts of the country, but fresh fruits and vegetables are right around the corner. After a long winter of canned and frozen food, not to mention supply chain issues, our bodies yearn for the taste of nature in its purest form. Where’s the best place to find the …

Man measuring his waistline

Trying to Shed a Few Pounds? Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Did you know that in 2019 the weight loss and diet control market was worth $72 billion in the U.S.? Imagine the market after two-plus years of pandemic-induced Door Dash deliveries. Over the past couple of years of wearing sweatpants, we may have become a bit soft around the middle. Let’s just say that belts have lost their utility for …