Cupcake with 50th birthday candles

Happy 50th Birthday! Mother Nature Has a Few Gifts for You

Okay, maybe you’re not quite turning fifty, or perhaps you already unwrapped some of Mother Nature’s gifts of aging. Either way, she’s coming for you! Our youth is a time of strength and invincibility. Our bodies are lean, flexible, and resilient. We can stay out late, eat fast food, have an extra couple of beers, recover quickly, and for the …

Close up of fresh fruit

The Many Benefits of Buying Produce, Meat and Dairy from a Farmer’s Market

Spring is upon us. It may not feel like it in some parts of the country, but fresh fruits and vegetables are right around the corner. After a long winter of canned and frozen food, not to mention supply chain issues, our bodies yearn for the taste of nature in its purest form. Where’s the best place to find the …

Man measuring his waistline

Trying to Shed a Few Pounds? Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Did you know that in 2019 the weight loss and diet control market was worth $72 billion in the U.S.? Imagine the market after two-plus years of pandemic-induced Door Dash deliveries. Over the past couple of years of wearing sweatpants, we may have become a bit soft around the middle. Let’s just say that belts have lost their utility for …

Older man with a bad back

How the Sports Injuries of Our Youth Hinder Us Later in Life

You remember the day perfectly. It was your senior year, and you were good. It was the season’s first game, and colleges were after you. And then, boom! You tear your ACL. Game over. Season over. College sports over. Fast forward 20 years, you’re now in your mid 50’s, and you still feel that knee bark occasionally. You’ve seen your …