Older man looking in mirror

The Everyday Style Guide for the Modern Middle-Aged Man

While not everyone possesses the casual style of Brad Pitt or the cool, classy look of George Clooney, we don’t need to look like “The Dude” in The Big Lebowski either. The pandemic is nearing an end, and it’s time to lose the COVID hair and put on actual trousers. There’s this thing called a belt. Remember belts? They’re those straps that hold up your pants when there’s not a drawstring or elastic waistband.

Crazy things start happening to men of a certain age. One day we’re fit and looking good, and the next, our ears are bigger, our gut sticks out a little farther, and hair seems to grow everywhere except where we want it. There’s a tipping point in your style that occurs the first time you look in the mirror and think, “Where did all those nose hairs come from?”

A day comes when you decide to either put forth the effort of maintenance or chuck it all in and accept your fate. You’re reading this, so we assume you’ve opted for the former over the latter.

This guide is about everyday style, not the GQ version full of pricey night salves and bespoke suit recommendations. So what can a regular guy do to keep looking sharp after fifty?

Good Grooming

Good grooming is the base camp when trying to elevate your style. All of the other elements are inconsequential when you ignore proper grooming standards. You’ll never look like Michael Bolton with the mustache of John Bolton.

Keep it trimmed

Sure signs of aging are the wild hairs growing from your nose and ears. Eyebrow hairs darting in every direction over the top of your glasses don’t exude a youthful, sexy look. Get yourself a specialty hair trimmer and use it regularly. The key to not having the Einstein look is maintenance. Don’t wait until it’s noticeable because everyone else will see it before you do.

Update your hairstyle

If the same person has been cutting your hair for the past decade, you may want to think about updating your look. An old-fashioned coiffure tells the world you’re past your expiration date. Try going to a proper men’s barbershop and getting a fresh cut. Find a stylist who has a look you admire and ask them to help you out. Don’t be shy. It’s only hair, and it will grow back if you don’t like it.

We know that the previous statement doesn’t apply to our follically challenged friends. For those of us a bit thinner up top, consider going very short or shaving your head completely. Nothing says “old man” like a combover or gel-spiking the last few soldiers in the battle against balding. Do you know that people judge men with shaved heads as more self-confident?

Also, if you have gray hair, don’t hide it. Unless you want to continuously spend ridiculous amounts of money getting your hair dyed professionally, everyone knows you color your hair, and it’s a bad look.


Take care of your skin to maintain a youthful glow by using a moisturizer. We know some of you just rolled your eyes and said, “You lost me on this one,” but bear with us. Moisturizing doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy some fancy cream to rub on your skin before bed.

You should stop using the soap for the rest of your body on your face. That bar of Lava you use to scrub your hands after working on the car or in the yard is terrible for your skin. Find a men’s face wash with a moisturizer that’s gentle on sensitive skin. After showering or washing your face, use an “aftershave” lotion that doesn’t contain alcohol and has a light sunscreen.

Dress for Success

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Clothes make the man.” Well, it’s true in the sense that when you look good, you feel good. When it comes to your clothes, it’s still possible to dress well without breaking the bank. Well-dressed men get noticed.

The most important part of dressing well is wearing clothes that fit. We know that you love your loose-fitting jeans and oversized sweatshirt, but they look sloppy. Today’s style is slim fit, not skinny, jeans or pants, and shirts with a taper. Ill-fitting clothes give you a dated appearance and make you look older.

Another aspect of clothing that often gets overlooked is color and pattern. Everyone has specific colors that they look better wearing than others. Stick with solids or prints that aren’t too busy. Wild colors and designs show that you’re trying too hard to look young.

Accessorize Your Look

There are three essential accessories that every man should update. Get your shoes, watch, and glasses game tight to shave years off your look.


Sneakers are the fashion of the day, and many people even wear them with suits. Yeah, you’re over fifty. Don’t do that. You should get a good pair of sneakers and wear them with jeans or casual pants, though. Go for something retro like old-school Adidas or Pumas with a pop of color. Don’t go with the all-white sneakers and lose the socks (at least ones you can see).


When it comes to wearing a watch, you have two options; smart or classic. A smartwatch says you’re comfortable with technology. One caveat to the smartwatch is if you don’t know how to use it, don’t wear it. Young people wear smartwatches or nothing at all.

We would say that you can never go wrong with a classic Swiss movement watch, but if it’s gold or overly ornate, it looks stuffy. Try replacing the band to give an old watch an updated look. 

That doesn’t mean buying a cool band for your 1985 Seiko digital classic. It may sound weird while we’re talking about style, but you don’t want your watch to look too expensive. Older people tend to have high-priced watches that aren’t wearable technology.


You may not need prescription glasses, but you probably wear sunglasses. Either way, ditch the metal frames and get yourself some color. Gold or silver-framed glasses give the immediate impression that a guy is older. There are so many different companies selling frames online that it’s not too expensive to have a few extra pairs. 

Be Yourself

Okay, so these tips aren’t exactly preparing you to walk a red carpet, but they will make you look and feel younger. 

The best piece of advice we can give is to be yourself. Try to venture slightly outside of your comfort zone but don’t buy a scooter and Dogecoin to be hip.

To be cool, you need to be authentic. Living your best life is the combination of resoluteness in being distinctive and fearlessness of other’s opinions.

It doesn’t matter what you look like; there is no style without confidence. Where do you get yours?

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Take care, even down there.

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