Older man stretching with friends in a park

Unlock the Secrets to a Pain-Free Workout: The Best Warm-up and Cool-down Routine for Men Over 50

Does the thought of working out immediately spur ideas of stiffness and pain? It shouldn’t! Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve laced up the Nikes, or perhaps you exercise a few days per week. Either way, what you do before and after your workout is the key to a pain-free life. As you age, your warm-up and cool-down routines …


How Increasing Your Flexibility Improves the Health of Your Heart

Was there anything worse than a coach making you stretch before practice? It seemed awful and a waste of time when you were young and supple. Reaching down and touching your toes was hardly a task back when you were in the prime of your life. You could probably run a mile with little effort and get out of bed …