post-COVID lift, what you need to know

Life As We’ll Know It, Post-COVID Style

When will be the next time you eat a piece of birthday cake after someone has blown out the candles? If you think about it, it’s not exactly the best way to keep germs at bay. A year ago, most of us wouldn’t think twice before taking a bite. Will we ever do it again?

Let’s face it. As much as we want our lives to return to “normal” after COVID, there will be a new state of “normal” we will come to know. The world changed permanently over the last year. We’ve discovered new ways to work and go to school. The virus forced us to rewrite our social contracts and how we interact. Some of us even learned to cook!

How we’ll feel

There is no doubt this pandemic impacted us psychologically, and will leave a long-lasting impression. We like to imagine that one day the world will open up again, and a global Mardi Gras will ensue. What’s actually happening is a slow crawl towards the resumption of daily life. 

Instead of a single defining moment where we run into the streets celebrating, the end of the pandemic will mostly be a series of small personal events. Like all recoveries, this one will take some time.

Over time, many of us developed a daily blend of boredom, anxiety, and uncertainty from lockdown and social distancing. Our new situation caused us to rethink our relationships and priorities.

The resulting new life perspective is a feeling often found in survivors of life-threatening illness and tragedy. Thoughts of becoming a better person, leading a simpler life, and losing attachment to material things are how some find peace during trauma.

Removing ourselves from the cocoon may cause additional anxiety as we find it hard to live up to our new ideals. We won’t all succeed, but a lot of us will.

It might be challenging to see right now in a world rife with division, but change is coming. Although stress will never disappear, this pandemic is teaching us how to better cope with life, whether we like it or not.

How we’ll look

Did you know that World War II gave rise to the beauty industry? Women wearing makeup was actually part of the propaganda machine. The world wanted women to look feminine while working in factories. It was also motivation for soldiers fighting overseas to get home to their sweethearts.

Could this global pandemic have an opposite effect on our grooming and fashion standards? 

Working from home has meant many only had to dress from the waist up. Sweats and slippers have become the new versions of “business casual”. We’ve probably never seen so many people wearing ball caps in a business setting as we do on Zoom calls.

While it’s not likely that a return to the office will welcome shorts and a t-shirt as daily attire, it is likely that dress codes will relax further than they have over recent years. 

We may see a continuation of less makeup and less shaving borne from working at home. For many, a visit to the hair salon became more of a luxury than a necessity. Many look forward to having a reason to look their best again, but the definition of style may be changing.

Will this new grooming and fashion trend continue as we get back into the world? History points to “yes.”

How we’ll consume

Have you noticed how clear the skies have been during the pandemic? It’s because there are fewer planes in the air and cars on the roads. We are consuming much less of everything this past year.

People are in the process of discovering their ability to live with less. At least temporarily, our lifestyle changes are producing a profound effect on our planet.

In the air

While there’s no indication that people will travel less after loosening restrictions, the business travel paradigm is shifting. Business travel accounts for about 12% of airline passengers, but 75% of airline revenue. Companies realize that much of their corporate travel can be moved to virtual meetings, saving them money and allowing their employees more time with their families.  

A reduction in business travel will have an enormous effect on personal and leisure travel as the number of flights decreases and the price per passenger increases. When the price goes up, air travel goes down and vice versa.

On the ground

With businesses discovering that work from home works for them, fewer people will sit in traffic jams. Without the daily commute, households also may realize that an extra car might not be necessary.

One negative result of COVID is that people are less likely to travel in groups like carpooling and public transportation. The combination of higher fares and reduced interactions means future regional travel will occur more in personal vehicles than in previous years.

How we’ll treat each other

By now, the awkward experience of greeting a new person with a head nod instead of a handshake is standard practice. How we treat others post-COVID might be the most challenging aspect of our new normal.

Physical contact is one of our primary instincts as human beings. We hug and kiss people in the course of our daily lives. It remains unclear how the mix of social interaction and personal protection will play out.

What immediate thought occurs the first time somebody coughs in a crowded room? How will you react when you try to show affection and the other person recoils? 

Have we lost the ability to trust our fellow humans permanently? Probably not, but there will be an adjustment period.

To-Do list

As you adjust to a post-COVID world, there are some things you can do to start living your best life.

Get vaccinated

The only way we get anywhere close to living without a mask is for everyone to get vaccinated. It’s the single most important thing each one of us can do to begin to protect ourselves from this virus.

Give yourself a break

Don’t expect to emerge as a butterfly, flap your wings, and float into a new life. Allow yourself time to adjust and understand that everyone else is adapting too.

Give yourself a break. Realize that sometimes plans change. You’ll get to where you want to go with a little patience and perseverance.

Take your vitamins

Health is your most valuable asset. Looking good and feeling good are the best ways to approach anything in life. Eat better, get some exercise, and take vitamins to feel healthy and strong.

Give your cells a boost with Revactin. In life, as males, we regard few things with as much importance as our hair and our ability to be intimate.  In addressing the latter, take action every day for by preserving and reenergizing those cells “down there” for the long term.  Make sure you’re ready for some post-COVID commingling by giving your nether regions the nutrition they deserve for optimal intimate health.

Once you get past the hugging and kissing stage of your new world, Revactin gives you the energy and confidence to rise to any occasion.

Take care, even down there.

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