andropause, male menopause, what you need to know

Do Men Go Through Menopause?

Brace yourself- men experience menopause (also called andropause) just like women do. Yup, it’s true, men are not exempt from this natural condition that happens to all men as they get older. At Revactin, we want to keep you informed on how to best care for your body as you age. The male menopause symptoms- increased body fat, erectile dysfunction, lower sex drive, etc may not be male menopause. These symptoms may be the cause of other conditions like hypogandism- the failure of the testes to produce testosterone.

Is Male Menopause Really A Thing?

So here’s the deal. Just like women, not every man is going to experience the symptoms of menopause, but it is real and it is a thing. Male menopause (also coined as ‘penopause’) is a condition that affects older men. The actual symptoms aren’t that dissimilar to what women experience. Like women, some guys experience male menopause more fully than others but all men do go through the exact same aging process. Andropause is caused by a decline in testosterone (the medical term for this is called andropause). Unfortunately It’s not like there are andropause treatments you can take for your testosterone levels to come bouncing back. 

What Age Do Men Go Through Menopause And Start Losing Testosterone?

Around 40 years old, men’s testosterone slowly starts to diminish and it’s 100% normal! Just for clarification, testosterone controls the development of all male sexual characteristics. We talk a lot at Revactin about the process of aging and how while you can’t control what time does to your body, you can try to proactively take care of yourself to help counter aging’s side effects. 

Does Male Menopause Affect Every Man?

All men experience lower testosterone as they age, but not all men will experience the actual symptoms of menopause or experience it in the exact same way. It’s the same with women – every woman stops getting her period but some experience major side effects and others don’t. Why this happens is still something no one really can explain- genetics probably has a lot to do with it but it really is kind of a crap shoot.

What Are The Symptoms of Male Menopause?

The symptoms aren’t that different from other diseases that men can start to experience as they get older like diabetes, or heart disease. This is why it’s not so easy to diagnose! To further complicate things, there are emotional as well as physical symptoms to watch out for as well. Those man boobs? Probably a sign of male menopause! Perhaps we needed to be more literal about the actual word since the word ‘men’ is right there smack in the beginning of the word menopause- we’ve been staring in the face of it all along! Here’s what to watch out for according to Healthline magazine: 

  • low energy
  • depression or sadness
  • decreased motivation
  • lowered self-confidence
  • difficulty concentrating
  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • increased body fat
  • reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness
  • gynecomastia, or development of breasts
  • decreased bone density
  • erectile dysfunction
  • reduced libido
  • infertility

Are There Treatment Options For Male Menopause?

Unfortunately there is not a pill you can take for this. The decline of testosterone will happen no matter what you do, so the only thing you can do is to take good care of your health. You can also take a blood test to see your testosterone level. If you discover you are experiencing male menopause your doctor will recommend keeping in shape, eating well, and taking care of yourself!

Can Revactin Help With Male Menopause?

Let’s be crystal clear. Taking Revactin can’t stop male menopause or cure it in any way. Revactin helps men proactively take care of their sexual health and it is one of the best things they can do after they turn 30 yrs. to help them protect the cells that create erections. Revactin helps stimulate nitric oxide, a key component in the fight against aging. Nitric oxide helps ward off insidious free radicals that get in the way of penile cells being able to do their job. Our customers couldn’t be happier with their results by taking Revactin. It’s a great way to do everything you can to protect your sexual health and wellness (and it shows you care for your partner too!)

Getting older shouldn’t mean living life to your fullest- so don’t let it slow you down or take away what you love and want to protect. Learn more about Revactin and how you can take care of your erectile health. Aging can actually be rewarding if you just put a little effort into taking care of yourself. It’s amazing what a little proactive help can do for your body. 

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